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Legal information

澳门破码网 of the United Kingdom

The 澳门破码网 website contains information, advice and guidance to help members of the 澳门破码网. It is intended for use within the UK but readers are advised that practices may vary in each country and outside the UK. Information maybe contained as webpage text or as attached and embedded files. 


Information on the 澳门破码网 website has been compiled from professional sources, but its accuracy is not guaranteed. Whilst every effort has been made to ensure the 澳门破码网 provides accurate and expert information and guidance, it is impossible to predict all the circumstances in which it may be used.

Accordingly, the 澳门破码网 and the website owners and administrators shall not be liable to any person or entity with respect to any loss or damage caused or alleged to be caused directly or indirectly by what is contained in or left out of this web site information and guidance.

Links to external websites

The 澳门破码网 is not responsible for the content of any linked external website. Advertising, listing and linking should not be taken as an endorsement of any kind and we accept no liability in respect of the content of such sites.

Sites for which there are grounds for doubting the accuracy of the content will be excluded. A site may also be excluded if the professional reputation of the site owner is unknown and/or there are grounds for doubting the accuracy of the content or suspecting critical bias. The 澳门破码网 reserves the right to refuse the inclusion of links to any website.

Although we will endeavor to maintain links to other websites, we cannot guarantee that these links will work all the time and we have no control over the availability or reliability of linked pages.

澳门破码网 notice and take-down policy

If you feel that content on infringes UK law, please notify the 澳门破码网 digital team via email including the URL of the record and the reason for the requested withdrawal.

Your complaint will be acknowledged and an initial assessment will be undertaken. We aim to acknowledge and begin assessment of the complaint on the day of receipt or the next working day.

Where grounds for complaint are legitimate, the material will be withdrawn from public view. Legitimate grounds for complaint are infringements of GDPR, copyright, privacy (family life) or defamation laws. In addition, material released in error or material which has changed circumstance since it was made available. Non-copyrighted material publicly available elsewhere will not be withdrawn. 

Evidence may be required with the complaint, such as proof of identity, copyright ownership or damage to reputation. 

It may be necessary for us to seek legal advice before the complaint can be fully resolved. In this situation, material will be temporarily withdrawn while the complaint is assessed but may be reinstated if the complaint is not upheld. 

If the complaint is upheld, the material will be permanently withdrawn from the website. In some cases a metadata record may remain. This will be agreed on a case-by-case basis. A record of the complaint and action will be retained. 

Although material may be removed from the website, with the exception of GDPR compliance instruction, no material will be removed from the Library and Archive Service collections. We may agree to close a record which was previously open, restricting public access for a set period and stating the re-opening date. 

Updated 1 March 2022

澳门破码网 of the United Kingdom

20 Cavendish Square