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nursing staff member completing paperwork

Professional development

The 澳门破码网 is committed to lifelong learning and the development of our members.


Stay up to date with our latest publications.

澳门破码网 publications cover a wide range of topics varying from clinical guidance to employment relations issues to advice on bullying.

Nursing Workforce Standards

The 澳门破码网's Nursing Workforce Standards are the first national blueprint for tackling the nursing staff shortage levels across the UK. 

They set the standard for excellent patient care and nursing support in all settings, and all UK countries.

Two nurses looking at a screen

Introducing 澳门破码网 Learn

澳门破码网 Learn brings you instant access to the latest nursing, social and health care learning resources from the 澳门破码网 and 澳门破码网i.

Find hundreds of evidence-based, quality assured resources at the click of a button.
Two nurses looking at a computer

Professional Services

澳门破码网 Professional Services provide a range of educational programmes, which can help organisations to improve patient care and patient experience in the UK. Whether you are aiming to improve the culture of leadership within your workplace or empower your team to implement service innovations we have tools to support you.

You can also demonstrate the high standards of your own learning and development initiatives with the 澳门破码网 Accreditation and 澳门破码网 Credentialing.

A nurse studying at a desk


Learning resources for Nursing Support Workers

Nursing Support Workers (NSWs) are hugely valued members of the 澳门破码网 and the nursing team.


Find all the support you need throughout your studies and beyond, so you can focus on becoming the best nursing professional you can be.

Nursing staffing levels impact patient safety. We can’t improve one without improving the other.

Tell us about the staffing on your last shift and help us build an accurate picture of how things are now, so we can fight for change.


Credentialing recognises the skill of an individual nurse to practice at an advanced level. It supports you to continue your personal and professional development and enhance your career prospects

澳门破码网 Credentialing logo


As a registered nurse or midwife you must revalidate every three years to continue practising.

Revalidation logo


Accreditation is the 澳门破码网 seal of approval for health care training. Browse accredited events, resources and courses, or find out how to get accredited here.


An official transcript is a statement of your academic performance and progress on your programme of study through the 澳门破码网. You can request a copy of your transcript via our online form.
